Hi loves, as promised on instagram, i would be sharing my experience with you as regards evangelism(spreading the gospel of Jesus). At the beginning of the year i resolved to win souls for God because this is one of the things Jesus commanded us to do before the leaving the earth to go prepare a place for us (John 14 verse 12).

The bible says, there is joy in heaven over the life of a sinner that repents.
Day 1: I got into my car and i spotted a brother sitting alone. As soon as i got out of the car, he already stood up and was walking away. lol ( i dnt know who told him i was coming for him).
Day 2: To avoid the same experience, i walked to the bus stop hoping to meet someone and i did. I almost felt stupid because i forgot what i was gonna say, but i kept saying God loves you.
Day 3: I approached a girl, but she had earphones, so she didn't even hear me when i said HI. So, i decided to go inside the mall. I spotted a woman sitting on the chair. I asked for her permission if i could sit beside her and if i could share something with her. She said yes and that was the entry i needed to mention Jesus to her. While talking, she cut me off and told me of how she knows who Jesus is, but she has been busy with work and all. I mentioned something about praying everyday and she turned it to an argument which i avoided with wisdom
Day4: this was the best one that gave me so much joy. I partnered with a church that was going out for evangelism too and we were shared into groups. The church gave us flyers to share. I did a lot of walking and ended up sharing Jesus with 4 people and prayed for two of them who allowed me to.

 1) pray before stepping out and ask the holyspirit to lead you
 2) rehearse the key words you want the fellow to know about Jesus. Have a small notepad to write down bibleverse if possible
 3)If nervous, go with a friend
 4)Dnt be too quick to approach people  who are walking, they would probably shun you should incase they are in an hurry to go somewhere
 5) Look out for people who are sitting and not engaged in something
 6) Always seek their permission first if you can share something with them. It gives you the opening  you need to mention Jesus to them
  Give them compliments! (your outfit is pretty)
 7) mention your name to them and ask for theirs too
 8) be friendly and avoid arguments. We were sent to preach and not argue

Lastly, if you are reading this and wondering what i am talking about....... Jesus is the son of God and God gave us his son Jesus to die for our sins. Sin is doing bad stuffs (stealing, lying, adultery, just to mention a few)that God doesn't like. The bible says, whoever commits sin is a sinner and would die. But God doesn't want us to die and that is why he gave us his son Jesus to die for our sins.( John 3 verse 16- for God so loved the world that he gave us his son Jesus, that whosoever believes in him would not die/perish but have everlasting life/long life). The bible says, if we confess our sins, God would forgive us and the blood Jesus shed when he died is able to wash away our sins. All we have to do is believe that God is real and Jesus is the son of God. Confess your sins to God and tell him you are sorry for all your wrongs. He would forgive you and now you can begin to enjoy a new life in Jesus.


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Shoe >>>>>>>>>TRY THIS

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